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Month: May 2021

PACIV Puerto Rico – Team Building Event

PACIV Puerto Rico’s Administration participated in a Team Building event, where they learned about the importance of Teamwork and fluent Communication. Instructors, Macarena Gil, and Carlos Frontera gather all the Administration to presently participate, following all COVID-10 Precaution Protocols, on team meetings, interactive activities, critical role plays, and exercises that involve partnership, collaboration, conversation, agreement, feedback, and many other topics that improve our workflow and environment. All department leaders gave their opinions and thoughts on how to improve the work environment in the office and what changes should be made, or considered, to keep improving the communication among coworkers. The Administration set goals in consensus, for 5 things for effective...

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PACIV Live Well Work Well Webinar –Stress Management

PACIV Associates participated in a Live Well, Work Well Webinar, this time with the topic: Stress Management. Registered Dietitian at NIFS, Sabrina Goshen, gave all the information regarding identifying stressors, and short-term and long-term stress responses, how it affects us physically, coping with stress, and more. The top advice was, accepting things the way they are, if there are things outside of our control, finding help professionally is the best option, or even talking to others is good. Many associates participated in the interactive questions and answers, and even shared some of their stressors. Dietitian, Goshen, gave them direct advice on how to cope with these stressors to get better. These webinars have been helping all in maintaining a healthy living and adapting...

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PACIV IRELAND: PACIV Associates had a Virtual Online Team Event, Manor House Murder Mystery, which let them connect, learn, and have fun, all at the same time.

The Virtual Event Agency, Dynamic Events, dedicates its work to Online Events described as Game-Changing Experiences for organizations around the world. Over 835 events in just 12 months in different companies from different industries, connecting with people globally, from different regions, at the same time. Ireland Associates played Manor House Murder Mystery, a game that approaches competitiveness. It is a problem-solving team-building experience that involves virtual tasks, where they must solve puzzles, tackle questions, and answers riddles to solve who murdered Laura Norder, an internationally renowned lawyer. All participants worked together as a team to collect and examine key pieces of evidence. They were divided into two teams, Team A with Santosh Sarma,...

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