PACIV’s Virtual Annual Meetings 2021-2022
PACIV’s Annual Meetings took place virtually again this year to discuss all new company updates, upcoming projects, and the company future in all three locations.
Because of the global increase of COVID-19 cases, Puerto Rico and the USA had their meeting completely virtual, while the Ireland office held their meeting Hybrid; some were present at the office, others participated by accessing the Teams Meeting link.
The meetings opened with important highlights from 2021, associates’ recognitions, sales goals achieved, Pandemic positive pharmaceutical industry outcome and further developments, and PACIV global positioning.
The administration also shared technology updates where new app and software integrations were presented as new projects for this new year. Revenue’s comparison, business development proposals, new customers, upcoming projects, and operations organization were among other interesting topics shared.
The meetings ended with potential employee benefit improvements the administration is pondering based on associates’ feedback results. Among opportunities that the administration will review are the policies and procedures, new collaboration programs, training, social media engagement analytics, and company acknowledgments.
Even though all associates were looking forward to the small get-together during these annual meetings, and sharing and enjoying some time together, PACIV prioritizes the health and safety of all its members. As soon as everything gets under control, PACIV will make sure to meet again with all. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!