PACIV Live Well Work Well Webinar –Stress Management
PACIV Associates participated in a Live Well, Work Well Webinar, this time with the topic: Stress Management. Registered Dietitian at NIFS, Sabrina Goshen, gave all the information regarding identifying stressors, and short-term and long-term stress responses, how it affects us physically, coping with stress, and more.
The top advice was, accepting things the way they are, if there are things outside of our control, finding help professionally is the best option, or even talking to others is good. Many associates participated in the interactive questions and answers, and even shared some of their stressors. Dietitian, Goshen, gave them direct advice on how to cope with these stressors to get better.
These webinars have been helping all in maintaining a healthy living and adapting to a better lifestyle, physically and mentally. At PACIV, we promote the Live Well Work Well program since it assures effectiveness on our employees since we believe if our associates feel better, they do better, and these webinars and monthly newsletters, help have a balance on the daily tasks in our company and personally.