PACIV Recruits at RUM Job Fair
PACIV recently attended the job fair at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus (RUM/Colegio) in Mayaguez in order to look for new and vibrant automation engineers to the PACIV team.
Our HR Lead, Erika Ariza and Engineer Manager, Jean Paul Pepin, attended the event to support in this effort and provided their experience at PACIV to potential recruits. The PACIV team was able to speak with hundreds of promising young future engineers and technology professionals who were interested in Internships, Co-Op programs, and full-time employment with PACIV.
PACIV’s goal in attending these job fairs is to recruit the most qualified candidates to continue providing excellence in our core services of automation to our customers.
Job Fairs provide students a venue to network with employers, submit their resume to recruiters, and learn about employment opportunities.
Learn more about our Accreditations & Memberships here.
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