Welcome Baby Boy!
Chris Sormalis, PACIV USA Business Development Leader, is the proud father of a baby boy. Nicholas Alexander Sormalis, born April 21, 2020 at 9:29 am. 7 pounds 5 oz., 20.5 in long. Considering the pandemic affecting us all, Chris says “it was an interesting time to say the least to welcome a son into the world, but there’s never a bad time for that to happen.”
During a quick interview, we also asked Chris “how was the experience once they arrived at hospital”, he said “Once admitted, we both had to wear gloves and masks from that point forward. For pregnancies, only one visitor could accompany the mother (significant other, midwife, doula, etc.) throughout the process and EVERY staff member was wearing full PPE (gown mask, gloves).
Other questions were…
- Because of the high risk of contagion this virus has, were you guys required to have a COVID-19 test?
“The doctors decided to move forward with delivery immediately, so the decision was made to go directly from the monitoring room to a delivery room. Since she was going into labor, she was required to get the COVID-19 test on the spot, very invasive test, ouch! Two hours later we got the negative test results back and we were rushed off to our room. Since COVID-19 tests are not as plentiful as some may think, I was not able to be tested, so I was required to wear a mask and gloves throughout the entire delivery process and hospital stay. “
- How was the delivery process?
“During our whirlwind stay at the hospital the biggest challenge was not being able to gauge or visibly see human emotion. For such an important and life changing event like childbirth, not being able to see doctors or nurses smile or laugh made it all very surreal. It made for a sterile, almost emotionless interaction with medical staff because a mask hides what makes people…well, people. Considering these extraordinary circumstances, the staff was still phenomenal, and at the very least we could hear the cheers and joy and encouragement throughout the process, even though we couldn’t see that through the smiles on their face.”
- Can you describe us how are you feeling towards welcoming a baby boy home, taking into consideration this worldwide pandemic?
“We are thankful for a healthy and successful delivery, and at the very least, we have got one heck of a story to tell our son one day!”
Chris and his wife are more than happy with their healthy baby boy. For sure it will be a moment to remember. Welcome baby Nicholas!