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PACIV Offshoring Services are offered to our USA clients via our Puerto Rico office. The offshoring services reduce the cost of control system design, configuration, and testing services approximately 20% to 30%.

The location of these offshore services affects the outcome and quality of the provided services as depicted in the article “Onshoring vs. Offshoring”. As a result, “Nearshoring” services, which involves outsourcing work to companies with the economic benefits of an offshore location but with a closer cultural, linguistic, and geographic fit with the user organization, is proving to be a successful evolution on this type of business model.

Benefits of PACIV Offshoring Services include:

benefits rates icon
  • Lower Hourly rates (20%-30% less)
  • Same Currency and regulations
benefits us programming standards
  • US Programming Standards
  • In Depth Knowledge of FDA Regulations
  • Intellectual Property (IP) protection
benefits bilingual
  • Management and Cultural Similarities
  • Fully Bilingual
  • Higher Collaboration
benefits US territory
  • US Territory
  • 3 Hours Away from Most of U.S. Cities
benefits experience
  • Industry Experience and Knowledge
  • U.S. Degreed, Licensed engineers (P.E.)
  • Higher Quality and High Skills
benefits time zone
  • Same Time Zone Proximity
  • Lower Travel Costs
  • Same Business Hours
The Offshoring System Integration services model execution is depicted in Fig. 1

In the PACIV Offshoring Services model (see Fig. 1 above), PACIV-USA will enter into the contractual agreements for the integration services with the USA client.  PACIV-Puerto Rico will support PACIV-USA remotely with experienced and knowledgeable resources for tasks such as programming and software testing.  At the same time, PACIV-USA provides the leading resources needed (team leader and business integrator) to interact with the client and to ensure all contractual terms, obligations, user changes and modifications are met.

Our Puerto Rico office operates within the jurisdiction of all United States Federal Laws; therefore, protection of your intellectual Property (IP) is provided always. In addition, during most of the year we are under the same time zone as EST, with only 1-hour difference during the day-light savings period.  Moreover, Puerto Rico’s world class concentration of Bio-Pharmaceuticals has provided in-depth experience and knowledge of the industry, its processes, and automation technologies.

The Offshoring Services include (see Fig. 2.0):

  • Definition of FS/SDS/HDS
  • Design Review (DR)
  • Configure Code
  • Source Code Review
  • Software Test Protocol
  • Development/Execution/Reporting
  • Unit/Integration Level Testing
  • FAT
  • Traceability

The automation system platforms include:

  • Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) (AB SLC500, ControlLogix, MicroLogix, PLC5 Rockwell Authorized System Integrator), Siemens, Omron.
  • Distributed Control Systems (DCS) (Foxboro I/A and DeltaV)
  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Human Machine Interface (HMI) (RSView/ RSLogix/RS Batch, iFIX/iHisto
    rian/iBatch, Intouch WonderWare)
  • Batch Applications as per SP88 (RSBatch, iBatch, DeltaV)
  • Data Historians (OSI PI, Crystal Reports, SQL, MS Access, Visual Basic)
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