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PACIV-Happy Quarantine-O-ween!

PACIV PR celebrated a Halloween gathering with funny and original costumes, and definitely with our masks on.

On October 30th, PACIV Puerto Rico had some fun having a small gathering at their office where everyone had to dress in costumes, and most importantly, be original with their ideas. Juliza Rios, Office Administrator, and Rosa Padilla, Accounting Lead, were dressed as kittens, with a mask that had drawn little kitty nose and hairs and even ears. Also, Shaimely Concepcion, Corporate Communication Representative, and Juan Alicea, Automation Engineer, took us back in time with outfits from the ’20s and ’70s. Everyone else had their “Boo” on with a mix and match of characters and themes for the celebration.

They all shared some appetizers and lunch together, also took some pictures to remember this Happy Quarantine-O-ween! When we look back in history, we will remember these difficult times, but also how much fun we had at these events. 

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